Friday, September 21, 2007

Random Thoughts From a Boring Friday

I can't remember the comedian, but this joke made me LMAO today: "Comedians feel about Carrot Top the way vampires feel about Count Chocula." (BTW, did anyone else know that Carrot Top was now a 'roided-out drag queen?)

This story made me laugh, because it was originally teased with a picture of Jessica Simpson.

Now on with the musings:

I hope I have a better week with my picks than last week.

I hope the Texans win Sunday without Andre Johnson, so everyone will know they are for real and are going to the playoffs!

I hope my fantasy football team survives without Andre Johnson, because I'm playing my brother and my other receivers and my quarterback scare me right now.

I hope Baylor wins Saturday, because they'll have a hard time winning another game the rest of the season. 2-10 would suck. I hope I'm wrong.

I hope my nephew wins his first football game. I hope my niece hits a softball without flinging her bat as far as she hit the ball.

I hope my other four items sell on ebay.

I hope the HBU and Rice volleyball matches are only three games long. I don't mind them, I'm just tired and want to relax this weekend.

I hope I remember how to hit a golf ball, since I haven't picked up a club in three weeks.

I hope I sleep OK with my wife out of town. I hope she has fun with her friends. (But not too much fun.)

It's almost 5:00!

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